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Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 USA |
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Jason Slibeck shared 1 photo with you
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Jason Slibeck shared 1 photo with you
You received this mail because Jason Slibeck shared these photos with you. If you no longer wish to receive email notifications of shared photos, unsubscribe here. Get the Google Photos app
Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 USA |
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Heading home
New Hampshire, just south of the White Mountains. Packing up the Jeep and heading back to the Big Apple. May do some more hiking in the fall, but I think this wraps up the summer. Getting closer to the finish!
Zoom in...
In the distance, you can see Farsight and High Gear. Five years ago when we hiked together, I simply slowed down to match pace with whoever wanted to hike in front and find the blazes. Now, I'm routinely left in the distant dust by my hiking partners. Luckily, they remember to stop and let me catch up before they get completely out of sight. Makes me proud.
Most times on the trail, I enter that state of 'being in the moment' where my focus and thoughts are consumed by my own breath, and the next few steps as I avoid the rocks, roots, and boggy slicks. Sometimes, though, the trail levels, opens wide, and the ground cover is a smooth duff of pine needles and leaves. This was one of those moments when I was able to look up, and let my mind wander.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
2222 feet
Moose Mountain. More mountains, higher elevations, more climbing. So far, no live moose. Maybe soon.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Ivy and White Blazes
High Gear and Farsight tolerated one more picture for the blog after we finished our hiking for the day. The AT crosses the Connecticut River, rises up the hill to lively Hanover, and crosses the picturesque Dartmouth College campus.
The Dartmouth Outing Club is an official trail maintenance organization and their volunteers dedicate a lot of time to maintaining many miles of the trail, and it's associated privies and shelters. Without volunteers, the Trail in most places would quickly disappear back under the forest duff, get engulfed by the quick moving undergrowth that covets the thin open sky where the trail has been cleared, or erode away in the next thunderstorm.