Panorama above links to a video of my 2010 hike.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bearded Woods

Along the trail, I've survived by taking advantage of the unique community of people that support AT hikers. Here in Connecticut that means several nights at the Bearded Woods hiker hostel. This new 'bunk and dine' opened just a couple months ago and it is a godsend! Hudson (an AT 2000-miler) and his wife Big Lu (both are trail names) custom built a great place tailored to hikers, do the laundry, fix dinner and breakfast for anyone who calls from the CT trailheads. Hudson has also been very generous with shuttle rides and helping me slackpack as I get back up to hiking speed this year.

Hudson spent several thousand hours building an AT themed, well managed, clean and comfortable spot just up the road from Limerock Race Track. I'm glad I called when I found his number on the trail! Like the other great hostels I've stayed at along the trail, it's inspiring to see someone mix their passion for the AT, their generous hospitality, and their desire to run an independent business into a great part of the Appalachian Trail community.