High Gear joined me this summer for some great backpacking in Pennsylvania and Connecticut . Covering miles on the AT with one of my favorite hiking partners is a lot of fun. She really makes a difference! Most of the time, I'm hiking alone and meet people along the way when I head in to town or finish the day at a shelter.
We had some ambitious plans to spend several weeks on the trail. Unfortunately, a large bone spur started a tear in the tendon on top of my right foot. Luckily, this has been fixed with some surgery and several weeks of keeping my right foot elevated and still.
The last few weeks of recovery have been frustrating to say the least. I had planned to cover hundreds of miles this summer, so sitting in an apartment recuperating requires much patience. I've read several books and seen lots of the London Olympics. Hopefully, the stitches come out and the bandages come off soon!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Summer Update 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Bearded Woods
Along the trail, I've survived by taking advantage of the unique community of people that support AT hikers. Here in Connecticut that means several nights at the Bearded Woods hiker hostel. This new 'bunk and dine' opened just a couple months ago and it is a godsend! Hudson (an AT 2000-miler) and his wife Big Lu (both are trail names) custom built a great place tailored to hikers, do the laundry, fix dinner and breakfast for anyone who calls from the CT trailheads. Hudson has also been very generous with shuttle rides and helping me slackpack as I get back up to hiking speed this year.
Hudson spent several thousand hours building an AT themed, well managed, clean and comfortable spot just up the road from Limerock Race Track. I'm glad I called when I found his number on the trail! Like the other great hostels I've stayed at along the trail, it's inspiring to see someone mix their passion for the AT, their generous hospitality, and their desire to run an independent business into a great part of the Appalachian Trail community.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Thunderbolts and lightning
I've been sitting on the lovely porch of the Falls Village Inn in classic small town New England listening to nearly continuous thunder and lightning. I had a short hike planned this morning before catching the Metro North train back to NYC. When a storm comes in the middle of the day, my general approach is to hike on. I'm prepared for it. When the storm is at the beginning of the hike and I'm still dry from a comfortable night in a well restored village inn, then the decision to stay put for a bit seems wiser. Will the storm pass quickly? Will it rain all day? After 45 minutes, there's a hint of light in the western sky behind the clouds.
Friday, June 22, 2012
All those shiny flecks in the bottom of the stream may be hard to see in the picture, but it sure looks like Stony Brook is full of gold to me! Season 3 of Gold Rush in Kent, CT? At least taking off my boots and splashing in the stream for a bit seems every bit as valuable on another really hot day.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
What would any sensible person do in a record setting heat wave?
Checkout the latest weather updates at http://www.weather.com/
I chose to go hiking! Not the best plan given my heat stroke risk factors but I did make it through a brutal day. Less miles than i hoped, but enough to keep on track and enough given the truly sweltering conditions. More updates over the course of the summer with happier weather if we are all lucky. Drink plenty of water wherever you are!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Jazz on the AT
Back on trail this year! Enjoying a 10 day stretch south through Pennsylvania with the kids on spring break. You can find all kinds of adventure and people as the trail makes it way through the communities of the Appalachians. In Delaware Water Gap, this means some outstanding jazz at the Deer Head Inn. Prove me wrong fellow hikers, if you can, but I think this is the only live music venue directly on the trail. And what kind of music would have this distinction? Jazz of course!
Friday night at the Monson General Store in Maine and the General Store in Damascus, are other great music stops on the AT. Experiencing the "Trail" beyond the "trail" has been a great experience.